Friday 23rd February 2024 at 7.00pm

About Splash Community Trust
Overall Aims and Objectives
The primary aim of the Splash Community Trust / Ymddiriedolaeth Gymunedol Sblash is to manage the running of Plas Madoc Leisure Centre, external assets and any other facility the Directors determine to provide social welfare, leisure, education, cultural, arts, health and well-being activities for the benefit of the communities of Wrexham County and beyond.
To continue to provide swimming and leisure facilities for the people of Plas Madoc and surrounding environs which are both financially viable and community owned. The Trust Board has made applications for funding to a number of institutions and if successful this funding will form the financial balance required to take the project forward.
The Splash Community Trust Vision
We want to make people proud, skilled and empowered in a locally improved community.
We want to change the way the area is perceived and treated by giving people a feel good factor with something to build on.
By tackling social, health and employment problems from the grass roots upward and by stimulating personal and professional growth we can transform people’s lives.

How can I donate & help?
You can offer your help to Splash Community Trust in many ways.
Firstly support your centre, come along & utilise the facilities. The centre needs you to become members & use the facilities available to the community, bring your family & friends, share the word on Facebook & Twitter.
The Save Plas Madoc initiative was a massive success due to the community spirit & efforts of a lot of people, Plas Madoc was saved & has raised the new flag for sports & leisure facilities in the area.
Become a Volunteer - many areas in the centre require your assistance. If you feel you can offer your skills & time to the centre please either contact the centre directly & ask to speak to us on 01978 821600 or
Splash Community Trust- Ymddiriedolaeth Gymunedol Sblash is a not-for-profit charitable organisation which was set up with the intention of reopening Plas Madoc Leisure Centre. Whilst there are many avenues of funding that are continually being pursued, it is vital that we recieve as much support as possible to ensure the success of this venture. With that in mind we would ask that if you are able, please donate what you can.
Cash & Cheques are always greatly appreciated at the centre, could we respectfully request that any cheques be made payable to;
"Splash Community Trust"
(Splash Community Trust is our Company Trading Name)
Standing Order - You can set up a standing order with your bank and make regular monthly donations. Our bank details are: Splash Community Trust, account number 71848488, sort code 40 35 32.
Call In - All donations are greatly received & appreciated by all at Splash Community Trust.